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Explore the jewel of South East Asia and be fasinated by it’s tall skyscrapers and stunning architecture. This is a city like no other.

Explore The Country With Us!

We explore the country to find the best experiences and accommodations for you!

  • We find that using SquareCompare.com is the best, as they find the cheapest prices for any accommodation or flight. We have saved thousands by using there platform.
  • Explore China Town for cheap food and to experience the culture of Singapore.
  • The train system is excellent here so always make sure to travel around the city by train as it’s much cheaper.
  • Eat food at Hawker centres as it’s much cheaper than restaurants and they have amazing food.
  • Singapore is expensive so make sure to rather book Airbnb’s for a cheaper stay.
  • Avoid getting simcards at the airport, there will always be a shop selling cheaper simcards in the city.
  • Download an offline map on google maps of singapore before your arrival so that you are able to get to your accommodation without data.

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Flights and Accommodations!

We save TONS of money while traveling by using SquareCompare.com. Not only is it easy to use to find flights and places to stay, it gives us the cheapest rate by comparing multiples sites online to give us the best price. If you in need of finding cheap accommodation and flights, then SquareCompare.com is definitely the way to go!

Affordable Flights to Singapore

Best Accommodations in Singapore

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